Wrongful Imprisonment
Wrongful Imprisonment Claims
The Court of Claims is the state's fiduciary agent for processing claims of wrongful imprisonment by the state of Ohio. Pursuing compensation is a two-step process that begins with a wrongful imprisonment determination in a court of common pleas. The individual must then file a civil claim for monetary damages in the Court of Claims. After the Court of Claims receives proof of this determination, the wrongfully imprisoned individual is entitled to compensation.
Current Pending Cases
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Ohio Controlling Board
Search approved Wrongful Imprisonment Controlling Board Requests. Once a judgment is rendered, the clerk of the court must forward the judgment to the Ohio Controlling Board for payment. The board takes all actions necessary to cause payment from the state's emergency purposes fund.
Ohio Innocence Project
Established legal organization for the purpose of exonerating wrongly convicted people. Read more about Ohio's wrongfully convicted.
Ohio Courts of Common Pleas
Search for determinations of wrongful imprisonment by common pleas courts. Determinations are made in the county where the underlying criminal action was initiated.